Home > Train The Trainer Certification Bangalore
Train the trainer certification is becoming a very popular and sought after program in India. Needless to say, being a growing economy, the rate at which our industries and companies are growing is not aligned with the rate at which people can pick up skills through experience. It is imperative that organisations invest in training and preparing their employees for the challenges and opportunities that present themselves. Be it training on technical skills or behavioural skills, imparting training requires special skills – knowing does not automatically lead to ability to train; hence the importance of train the trainer certification India.
Demand for Train The Trainer Certification in Bangalore
Bangalore is India’s Silicon Valley and has seen a tremendous spurt of IT companies over the last 20 years. People from all parts of India come into Bangalore to seek opportunities that best suits their technical know-how. There is a tremendous demand for train the trainer certification in Bangalore for both technical skills and behavioural skills.
In the world of technology, there are subject matter experts who understand their field of work really well. These experts have picked up their learning through experience, study and/or observation; whatever their secret, they have managed to learn their tricks and nuances of their subject really well and thereby deliver at a higher level of quality and excellence than the others. It would be wonderful if they could pass on these secrets to others through training and mentoring.
Train The Trainer Certification in Bangalore
However, more often than not, technical subject matter experts are not capable and/or not interested in training other people. Organisations cannot send all their people to the US or to Europe to learn skills on the job; it’s just not feasible. The only answer to the problem is to train their subject matter experts to be trainers and impart this knowledge in a way that people understand and can apply. Thus train the trainer certification in Bangalore is a very sought after program in IT companies.
For behavioural skills and leadership skills also, the facilitator needs to be someone with hands-on experience at that skill. It is therefore necessary to help these experienced facilitators with trainer competencies so that they can design, develop and deliver programs well.
Best Certification Programs on Train The Trainer in Bangalore
Ripples Learning offers one the best certification programs on train the trainer in Bangalore. These programs cater to corporate training team requirements and cover everything from analysing learning needs to conducting post training evaluation. Ripples Learning’s train the trainer Bangalore programs also cater to the requirements of individuals who want to become trainers or consultants independently.
A good train the trainer certification should cover all aspects of ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate), however, Ripples’ train the trainer certification Bangalore covers aspects like creating training proposals for clients, using technology to evaluate training effectiveness and creating trainer profiles too.
Ripples Learning train the trainer Bangalore programs help a trainer walk out with all the necessary skills to either secure a job in the L&D department of organisations or become an independent consultant delivering a variety of learning interventions.
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