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Leadership development programs

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Ripples Leadership Development Programs

Management is doing things right while leadership is doing the right things.

– Peter Drucker.

And by that definition, we are under-led and over-managed. A strong foundation of leadership is a prerequisite to growth and change management.

Contemporary leadership demands

Contemporary leadership demands | Leadership Development Program

The business world today poses many unique problems that weren’t existent a decade ago. Organisations have changed the modus operandi for growth and are trying diverse expansion strategies like acquisitions, mergers, partnerships and diversification of value propositions, to name a few. This brings in a new leash of demands like large scale hiring, working with millennial employees, managing expectations of a diverse employee base, steering and managing change, building a culture that can accommodate multiple geographies and domains of work, etc. While it was enough to be experienced and knowledgeable to be a leader once upon a time, leaders today need to have all and be all. Knowledgeable, charismatic, dynamic, approachable, tenacious, ethical, fun, quick decision making, meticulous attention to detail, emotionally intelligent and most other adjectives apply, such are the demands on leadership from the contemporary business world!

Hire or develop

Hire or develop | Leadership Development Program

Organizations frequently face the issue of having knowledgeable subject matter experts, efficient executors, charismatic client relation experts and talented performers in their organization who are incapable of moving beyond the realm of personal or personnel management. Despite being extremely good at certain aspects crucial to the organisation, they lack certain other competencies that are critical to their success as leaders.

Advantages of developing people through a Leadership Development Program

Developing leaders within the organization has many advantages; some of which are as follows:

  • Career advancement opportunities for employees
  • Increased interest and healthy competition in the organization
  • Leaders developed internally show greater passion for the organization’s goals
  • Reduces trial and error way of figuring out what works thus enabling leaders to be faster

Most of the business centres in India have taken up this route and are investing getting the best of their existing people trained (best defined as potential + performance).

Leadership training in Bangalore has taken a new dimension in the recent years with more and more corporate requesting for unique customized programs based on adventure sports, scriptures, world business scenarios, confrontational methodologies and gamification.

Good to great – A tailor-made sustained leadership development program

This leadership development program intends to move participants from the realm of good to the world of great, as the name suggests. The program is designed to give adequate flexibility and consistency to the learner group and accommodate different learning objectives for each member of the group.

Leader learner group

Good to Great is well suited to leaders who are making the journey into the 3rd, 4th and 5th passages of leadership as defined by Ramcharan in his book ‘The leadership pipeline’.

Leader learner group | Leadership Development Program

This program is well suited to those leaders who have experienced the challenges and demands of leadership for a considerable period of time. Having faced different kinds of situations and people gives the leader a perspective of what they need to develop to be more effective. This Leadership development program will build on the experiences of the learners and hence it is critical that the leaders fall in the specified categories for the program to be effective.

The Big Leap – A first time leader’s program

This leadership development program intends to prepare participants for making the first big move from individual contributors to team leads. Different organisations and industries pose different sets of problems to first time leaders, however, the biggest challenges are facing and conquering one’s own prejudices and preconceived notion about various aspects of leadership and becoming responsible for another’s performance. The Big Leap addresses all of these subjects through highly engaging interactive workshops.

Leader learner group

The Big Leap is well suited to leaders who are making the journey into the 2nd passage of leadership as defined by Ramcharan in his book ‘The leadership pipeline’.

Leader learner group | Leadership Development Program

This program is specially designed to cater to the various challenges of becoming a leader for the very first time. There is a lot of emphasis of basic principles of leadership including, delegation, communication, feedback, empathy and motivation. This program can be tailor made to suit the specific situations of clients. This leadership development program is highly experiential and engages participants with fundamental questions and principles around leadership

LDP phases

Phase 1 – Defining desired state
Phase 1 - Defining desired state | Leadership Development Program

  • Identifying program objectives through the following:
  • Meetings
  • Focus group discussions
  • Questionnaires
  • Organisation goals
  • Performance management outcomes

Phase 2 – Individual areas of improvement – Assessments

Phase 2 - Individual areas of improvement - Assessments | Leadership Development Program

  • Competency based assessment is used to identify individual areas of improvement of the target audience. Some of the tools widely used are:
  • DISC
  • MBTI
  • Hogan

Phase 3 – Program plan and content

Phase 3 - Program plan and content | Leadership Development Program

Based on the learning objectives identified and individual areas of improvement, the program plan with schedule and participants is rolled out. Content is created using Instructional Design techniques and diverse intriguing techniques are used to engage and challenge the senior level learners. Examples of some methodologies used are:

  • Scenario and simulation based workshops
  • Outbound physical activity based learning
  • Confrontational learning
  • Yoga based workshops
  • Chanakya Neeti based workshops

Phase 4 – Identify Action learning projects

Phase 4 - Identify Action learning projects | Leadership Development Program

Action learning projects will be designed to mutually benefit the organisation and the participant at each level of learning. Leadership team within the organisation will play a huge role in helping participants implement their learning through practical projects that can help organisation.

Phase 5 – Delivery of learning intervention

Phase 5 - Delivery of learning intervention | Leadership Development Program

This phase includes:

  • Periodic workshops
  • Coaching sessions
  • On-call clarification of doubts
  • Commencement of Action Learning projects’ phase

Phase 6 – Implementation of ResultsLab

Phase 6 – Implementation of ResultsLab | Leadership Development Program

ResultsLab is a proprietary tool that is used to measure effectiveness of learning at the 3rd level of Kirkpatrick evaluation which is application of learning. The identified desired behaviours will be the basis and the indicators of these behaviours are reinforced through ResultsLab.

Phase 7 – Reports Analysis and individual

Phase 7 – Reports Analysis and individual | Leadership Development Program

continuous improvement plans (Optional 360 feedback on specified behaviours)

There are several training companies across the globe and the country, however, Ripples is a breed apart when it comes to Leadership Development. Our program design and delivery teams are a breed apart as all of them have first hand leadership experience and juggled leadership roles at various levels and industries across the world.

Ripples Learning is highly acclaimed as one of the best Leadership training companies in Chennai, in light of the highly evolved Leadership programs conducted there in the last two years.