Change is the name of the game in today’s corporate arena.
And that too at a pace that has never been seen before!
Structure of every firm is changing,
Technology they use is changing,
Expectation of every employee is changing,
And even the basic infrastructure is changing.
Are you ready?
Are your people ready to deal with it? Sad fact?
You can’t escape change! Glad fact?
If you get through, this change only can help you grow and survive through competition.
Also, as they say it, change is the only constant in life. And more so, in companies! As the firms change they grow and evolve from one level to the next. It is nature and you can’t stop it.
Tony Robbins, the renowned speaker, author and entrepreneur, says in a talk,
If something is not growing, it is dying!
So definitely, it would be preferable to grow.
Jack Welch once said,
Change before you have to.
Reason to Hire Corporate Training Companies
But I agree, at times it gets a bit too much for the employees. And that is when one of the companies for corporate training in Bangalore could help. A good firm involved in corporate training could aid your employees get through any kind of significant change. So, what else can you do?
The why part:
The why question! Once you have the clarity about the vision and the reason for any action, it becomes easier. The same is true for change too. It also helps you understand the advantages so that you don’t step back in face of difficulties but you keep going forward. And just do it!
Total acceptance:
Most often things get difficult or something hurts because people have not yet accepted it fully. They are still trying to escape and therefore find the process to be painful. So firstly don’t oppose a change. Start is very difficult so make all necessary arrangement for that initial step.
Write all advantages:
The moment it gets challenging you would try to go back to your shell, the old ways. So jot it down somewhere so that you get to see it frequently. And the moment a thought to step back comes you should be able to justify your step and stay on it.
Talk to seniors:
Very often you might get scared thinking about the uncertain future after the change. Try to reach out to seniors and mentors who have already been through the process in the past and talk to them about it. Speaking about it usually helps.
Get training:
This is where again a corporate training could help as it will give you confidence. They can help you build skills, have a positive attitude and thus be confident about your future. If your own company is not planning any such training you could personally contact an institute to build on an additional competency that you might be interested in.
Manage your stress:
Practice meditation, start a hobby, write journal, meet a counselor, or do whatever you can, find your way to manage stress that might be about to pounce upon you. Yes, as already said above, change might be stressful and you must have a way to manage that stress.
Take one day at a time:
Don’t look at everything and everywhere, it might overwhelm you. Just focus – today – this particular task! And move ahead. Another quote by Tony Robbins goes, “Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.” So know that whatever is about to happen will happen for you. And just pay attention to what you can do today.
Hmm you might even fail at a few tasks once things change. But that’s okay! Try it another time, and again! And yet again, until you figure out how to do it. Contacting firms delivering corporate training in Bangalore might be a good step to initiate change and be prepared for any change process in your company. Every organization is different, though.
Nevertheless, if you permanently hate it, know that even everything that you see today will change, so I feel it’s better to take the above steps and just go with the flow during a change in your company.