Effective speaking is an important facet of communication skills. It enables you to convey your ideas distinctly. Please read the earlier 3 blogs, as mentions below, written before reading this blog.
- 6 Public Speaking Tips You Need To Learn Now
- 10 secrets of really great speakers that you can instantly start using
- Eighteen Do's For Effective Speaking
Here is given a list of Sixteen “Dont’s” for effective speaking.
- Never write your talk as an essay
- While speaking, never try to read your talk
- Never talk to the notes, which you prepared
- Never get distracted from your main mission
- Never talk to visual aids
- Never talk to your black board
- Never walk up and down, unnecessarily
- Never fidget with yourself
- Never play with your clothes
- Never smoke, chew pan or eat something during speech
- Never repeat the same gesture again and again
- If you have given some material to be examined by the audience, wait and don’t talk till they have examined it.
- Never stand in front of a window
- Never wear clothes, not matching with the solemnity of the occasion
- Never fidget with your notes
- Never over-run your allotted time.
This brings to an end to my 4 blog series on effective speaking.
Points mentioned in serial nos 7 to 11,may be further improved if you attend sessions of Pep Talk ( Personality Development) at Ripples Learning in Bangalore. For enriching yourself further with soft skill development programs, you may contact Ripples Learning Services, Bangalore.