Sixteen Dont’s For Effective Speaking

Sixteen Dont’s For Effective Speaking

Sixteen Dont's For Effective Speaking

Effective speaking is an important facet of communication skills. It enables you to convey your ideas distinctly. Please read the earlier 3 blogs, as mentions below, written before reading this blog.

Here is given a list of Sixteen “Dont’s” for effective speaking.

  1. Never write your talk as an essay
  2. While speaking, never try to read your talk
  3. Never talk to the notes, which you prepared
  4. Never get distracted from your main mission
  5. Never talk to visual aids
  6. Never talk to your black board
  7. Never walk up and down, unnecessarily
  8. Never fidget with yourself
  9. Never play with your clothes
  10. Never smoke, chew pan or eat something during speech
  11. Never repeat the same gesture again and again
  12. If you have given some material to be examined by the audience, wait and don’t talk till they have examined it.
  13. Never stand in front of a window
  14. Never wear clothes, not matching with the solemnity of the occasion
  15. Never fidget with your notes
  16. Never over-run your allotted time.

This brings to an end to my 4 blog series on effective speaking.

Points mentioned in serial nos 7 to 11,may be further improved if you attend sessions of Pep Talk ( Personality Development) at Ripples Learning in Bangalore. For enriching yourself further with soft skill development programs, you may contact Ripples Learning Services, Bangalore.

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