The internet has made it possible to reach any part of the world within a fraction of seconds through emails. With it's enormous speed, email communication has become a part of our day to day life.
Please go through the following blog,before reading this blog for better understanding.
"Effective Email Communication-5 Basic Tips"
While the above blog post may have helped you to compose your email appropriately, knowing what not to do is something that helps you to avoid that pinch of regret, after having sent an email. In this blog post, let's focus on certain basic "Don'ts" for email communication.
1. Don't write essays, keep it short and simple.
Emails are for sharing information precisely. A long email makes your reader wander through absence of it's clear cut direction. It's very important to keep the email communication short, simple and precise.
2. Don't send an email, when you are upset or angry.
Even if the email appears to be perfect,simple, to the point; and the grammar and spelling check has also been done, never send it,when you are upset or angry. It's better to keep it in the draft mode and send it after a while, when you are calm enough. Remember, emails don’t convey emotions, so, it's always better to send it using a neutral tone.
3. Don't use fancy fonts and colors.
Don't use fancy colors or fonts in emails. A too light or too dark color strains the eyes. Fancy fonts and writing all in uppercase is a complete no-no. Email communication is a plain simple message which has to be conveyed in the exact sense it has been written. Remember, focusing on the context is more important.
4. Don't send a general mail if you are sending it to someone specific.
Personalization of email is a very important facet. Always check whom the mail is be addressed. Remember, the name is something which is very personal to people. Writing a wrong spelling or addressing in general, might hurt the sentiments of the specific person. Be cautious about it.
5. Don't use technical jargon in email communication.
The whole idea of communication is to make the reader understand what you want to convey. Using technical language for people who are not aware of it, makes your work much more difficult. So, it's better to avoid technical jargon.
Didn't they say email communication is an art. These simple tips will help you to be an effective email sender.

Ripples Learning offers detailed training on how to be an effective communicator when it comes to email communication to corporate as well as individual participants. Reach out to us to know more about it.